Åpenhetsloven – Corporate Governance


SJ SOL AS sin informasjon om Åpenhetsloven. SJ Sol AS er et selskap med hovedkontor i Kvinesdal og et salgskontor i Kristiansand hvor distribusjonen foregår i Kvinesdal. Vi leverer tjenester og grossistprodukter til hele Sør- Norge. SJ Sol leverer kvalitetsprodukter innen solcelle-segmentet til konkurransedyktige priser. Selskapet er ikke underlagt kravene i åpenhetsloven, men velger allikevel å omfavne det med glede. Selskapet har  en sterk hjertesak med å sikre at verdikjeden alltid leverer etter beste praksis.

Produksjonen av produktene som SJ SOL AS tilbyr i sin portefølje er nøye plukket for å sikre at sluttforbrukeren får levert kvalitetsprodukter fra a-å. Produsentene som SJ SOL AS forhandler med befinner seg i 4 ulike disktrikter Shenzhen like ved Hong Kong, Sushan rett vest for Shanghai, Xiamen like ved Quanzhou og Shanghai. All produksjon finner sted lang kysten mellom Shanghai i Øst og Hongkong i Sør-Kina. Fabrikkene er alle ISO 9001 og 14001 sertifisert i tillegg til at de produserer ihht. det enkelte lands regler og normer.

Produktene SJ SOL AS importerer omfatter solcellepanel, invertere, festeanordninger, festemidler og tilhørende utstyr.

OECD har utarbeidet en veileder for aktsomhetsvurderinger, og åpenhetsloven er klar på at vurderingene skal gjøres i tråd med denne. Stegene i OECDs veileder kan oppsummeres slik:

SJ SOL AS tar åpenhetsloven på største alvor og har iverksatt nye rutiner som følge av aktsomhetsvurderinger i henhold til valg av underleverandører. Her står følgende parametre sterkt i fokus ILOs kjernekonvensjoner, menneskerettigheter, FNs barnekonvensjon. SJ SOL AS foretar i 2023 en rutinemessig kartlegging av hele leverandørkjeden for å forebygge og begrense avvik, samt. sikre at underleverandørene følger nye internasjonale standarder.

Åpenhetsloven er en ny lov, vedtatt av Stortinget, som trådte i kraft 1. juli 2022.

Loven skal fremme virksomheters respekt for grunnleggende menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold, og sikre allmenheten tilgang til informasjon.

Loven pålegger blant annet virksomhetene en informasjonsplikt og en plikt til å gjennomføre aktsomhetsvurderinger som skal redegjøres for i en rapport som legges frem.

Informasjonsplikten er gjeldene fra loven trer i kraft, mens redegjørelsen for aktsomhetsvurderingen skal senest offentliggjøres 30. juni 2023.

Godkjent El-grossist:

SJ SOL AS kan stolt legge frem at det ikke fremkom noen avvik i el-grossist-kontrollen fra Agder Energi. El-sikkerhet er noe vi i SJ SOL har som et hovedpunkt i kvalitetskontrollen av de produktene vi tar inn i vårt sortiment. Produktene skal gjennom en nøye og grundig kvalitetskontroll for å sikre kundene våre de beste produktene.

SJ SOL AS = Godkjent el-grossist



Code of Conduct

SJ Sol AS and its group companies (together referred to as “SJ Sol ”) operate on the basis of respect, appreciation and commitment and believe that all their activities must be carried out with honesty, sincerity, care and integrity, and are accountable for their actions.

This Code of Conduct outlines the basic requirements concerning working conditions that must be satisfied by all suppliers, buying agents and (sub)contractors of SJ Sol  (“Suppliers”). The Principles are based on the international labour standards outlined in the relevant Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

1.             General

  • The Supplier shall adhere to this Code of Conduct and shall ensure that its contrac- tors and suppliers adhere to this Code of Conduct.


2.             Legal Compliance

  • The Supplier shall operate in full compliance with national and local laws, rules and regulations relevant to its business Local industry standards should pre- vail when higher than the local legal requirements.
  • In countries where the legal requirements fall short of internationally recognized standards, the Supplier should at least apply the minimum criteria as set forth in this Code of Conduct.

3.             Human rights and labour

  • The Supplier shall recognize and respect internationally proclaimed human
  • The Supplier shall treat every employee with respect and dignity and every employee shall have the right to a workplace free from physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or In any event the Supplier shall apply the minimum criteria as set out hereafter:

Child labour

  • The Supplier does not resort to using persons at an age younger than 15 (or 14 where the law of the country of manufacture allows) or younger than the age for completing compulsory education in the country of manufacture where such age is higher than 15, for any operation whatsoever.
  • The Supplier does not expose young employees under 18 to situations that are haz- ardous, unsafe or harmful to health.
  • The Supplier must verify the age of its employees and maintain copies of its employ- ees’ proof of age.

Forced Labour

  • The Supplier does not resort to or allow the use of forced labour, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or otherwise. No employee can be compelled to work through force, the threat of force or intimidation of any
  • The Supplier’s personnel must be free to leave the work area after completing the standard work hours. Personnel is free to stop working for the Supplier if reasonable notice has been given.

Disciplinary Practices

  • The Supplier does not resort to or allow the use of corporal punishment or any other form of physical or psychological coercion or intimidation against
  • The Supplier does not authorize any behaviour, including gestures, language and physical contact, that is sexually coercive, threatening, abusive or


  • The Supplier shall employ workers solely on the basis of their ability to do the job, and shall not resort to or allow discrimination on the basis of age, gender, racial characteristics, maternity or marital status, disability, sexual orientation, nationality or cultural, religious or personal beliefs, political opinion, or social or ethnic origin or otherwise in relation to hiring, wages, benefits, advancement, disciplines, termination or retire

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

  • The Supplier shall recognize and respect the rights of workers to join workers organi- zations and associations of their own choosing, and to bargain collectively. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the

employer shall consider the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.

Health and Safety

  • The supplier guarantees that the work environment is safe, clean and wholesome and that it takes adequate measures to avoid accidents, bodily injury and injury to health arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of employer facilities.
  • This includes protection from the risk of fire, accidents, and toxic substances, or any other industrial, environmental or climatic risk. There must be appropriate lighting, ventilation and heating systems.
  • Protective rules relating to pregnant women shall be applied by the
  • The Supplier shall ensure that workers have access at all times to potable water, sanitary washing facilities and an adequate number of clean toilets, fire extinguishers, and fire The Supplier’s buildings can also be evacuated quickly and effectively.
  • The factory must have safety and health policies and procedures that are clearly communicated to the employees.
  • The Supplier shall ensure that the before mentioned standards and requirements also apply to employee residential facilities, where provided to

Wages and Benefits

  • The Supplier shall provide wages that comply with all applicable laws and regulations or that are in line with the prevailing local manufacturing or industry rates and that are always adequate to meet the basic needs of personnel. In all cases wages should be fully compensating for all time worked and must equal or exceed the minimum wage or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher.
  • Each employee shall be provided with all legally mandated These may include: meals or meal subsidies; transportation or transportation subsidies; other cash allowances; health care; child care; emergency, pregnancy or sick leave; religious or bereavement leave; and contributions for social security and other insurance, including life, health and employees compensation.
  • In addition to their compensation for regular hours of work, employees shall be com- pensated for overtime hours at the premium rate legally required in the country of manufacture or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at a rate exceeding their regular hourly compensation rate, regardless of whether workers are compen- sated hourly or by piece rate.

Working Hours

  • Employees shall not be required, except in extraordinary business circumstances, to work in excess of 60 hours per week, including overtime, or the local legal requirement, whichever is less.
  • Employees shall never work more than 6 consecutive hours and be entitled to at least one day off for every seven day period.

4.             Environmental Protection

  • The Supplier shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in respect of protecting the environment and maintain procedures for notifying local authorities in the event of an environmental accident resulting from the Supplier’s
  • The Supplier should aim for progressive improvement in its environmental perfor- mance, not only in its own operations, but also in its relationships with partners and subcontractors. This includes:
    1. Integrating principles of sustainability into business
    2. Responsible use of natural resources such as land, soil, energy and
    3. Reducing, minimizing and avoiding pollution and waste including solid, liquid and atmospheric conditions.
    4. Designing and developing products, materials and technologies according to the principles of sustainability.

5.             Integrity

  • SJ Sol conducts its business with honesty and integrity, and in compliance with applicable laws. As such, SJ Sol  expects its Suppliers to maintain the highest standards of integrity, which shall include in any event:
    1. No bribery: the Supplier shall not accept or give personal gifts, remuneration or any other favour that could affect the integrity of business decision-making.
    2. Record keeping: the Supplier shall keep financial records in accordance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements and applicable accounting

6.             Monitoring of Compliance

  • The Supplier undertakes to meet all the obligations set out in this Code of Conduct and takes the corrective and preventive measures necessary to anticipate, identify, analyze, resolve and monitor any breach of this Code of
  • The Supplier authorizes SJ Sol and its principals to conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections of Supplier’s facilities for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Code of Conduct.
  • When violations are found, SJ Sol and the Supplier concerned will agree on a corrective action plan that eliminates the problem in a timely If it is determined that a Supplier is knowingly and/or repeatedly in violation of this Code of Conduct, SJ Sol  and it principals shall take appropriate corrective action, which may include cancellation of orders and/or termination of business with the Supplier in question.

7.             Supplier Agreement

  • SJ Sol is dedicated to full and complete compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to the conduct of its business and expects the utmost cooperation and commitment to such efforts from its Suppliers. It is therefore requested that the owner, president, managing director or chairperson (or other authorized representative) of the Supplier’s company signs and returns a copy of this Code of Conduct thereby confirming the understanding of its contents and agreement to undertake the obligations set forth herein.


In closing, we highly value the relationship with your company and believe that you share our compliance concerns. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to continually strengthening our relationship for years to come.

Forbrukertilsynets informasjon om åpnehetsloven
